Sunday, May 25, 2014

What Did Jesus Do For Fun?

Was Jesus' life all work and no play?  Jesus was only twelve when He said to His Mother Who was looking for Him: "'Why were you searching for me?'" [Jesus] asked. "'Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?'" [1]  Prior to that incident, nobody wrote about the life Jesus led as a boy.  As a matter of fact, no one bothered recording His teenage years either, or His years as a 20-something young man until His Mother asked Him to turn jugs of waters into wine at the wedding at Cana [2] when Jesus was about 30 years old [3].

It would be reasonable to assume that Jesus was under the watchful eyes of both Mary and Joseph while growing up, especially after the incident in Jerusalem when He was only twelve [4], and that He learned carpentry from His adopted father.  It would also be reasonable to assume that Jesus knew from the beginning that He would be crucified around 33 years old.  Therefore, at 12, Jesus was probably anxious to start doing what He was put on earth to do before the time came for Him to die.  That would give Him 21 years of ministry with miracles.  That amount of time was apparently too long according to His Mother Who took Him home and sheltered Him from the world.  Hence, nothing in the life of Jesus was recorded in the Gospels after Jesus' first appearance at 12 until He was about 30 [5] when His Mother decided that it was time for Her Son to become known to the world, by asking Jesus to perform His first miracle at Cana.

During the "missing" years when Jesus was sheltered by His Mother, how did Jesus spend His time?  There were no television and no electronic gadgets but there was an amphitheater in Tiberius, Israel, [6] probably for gladiatorial and other athletic and artistic events.  Did the Holy Family have their own seats and season tickets?  I doubt that the Holy Family ever attended any of those events, or that Jesus was ever there with His peers.  I also doubt that Jesus was ever bored.  Why?  Because Jesus is not of this world.  Why would any form of worldly entertainment amuse Him when He is from Heaven where He has seen everything from the beginning to timeless eternity?  Why would Jesus be bored for even one moment when He was conceived by the Holy Spirit from Which complete fulfillment springs, and when Jesus, Himself the Son of God, is part of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost?  In fact, He would probably find all forms of entertainment a total waste of time and resources when the alternative is complete fulfillment in God.  In other words, Jesus, being the Son of God, the source of complete fulfillment, why would He find any human form of entertainment fun especially when such fulfillment is only temporary, and when every moment of His time on earth was already being lived in complete fulfillment? [7]
Jesus did not need to do anything for fun.  He was at all times completely fulfilled.  Man is the one who is not ever completely fulfilled because of Sin and is desirous at all times.  Fun is one of his desires and fun he will find [8].  The desire for fun Satan is pleased to give to all, the kind of desire that does not satiate, but generates a craving, an addiction, so much so that it can bring ruin to the body and the soul.  This is the direct opposite of fulfillment in Christ which heals the body and lifts the soul to Heaven.

[3] and 
[7] Even when Jesus was betrayed, scourged, humiliated and nailed to the cross, suffering until His death, He was at every moment completely fulfilled because He was fulfilling His Father's Will.  By doing so, He laid the path to lead us from Hell to life everlasting (only if one chooses it freely).  Can anyone think of a more fulfilling life? 
[8] When man has a desire, man will ceaselessly find a way to fulfill that desire.

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