Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Changing Definition Of Good

In the secular world, good means different things to different people at different times.

In the field of technology, something is good only when it is changed every so often -- it does not matter if the change, commonly known as upgrade, is for the better or for the worse.  Technological  change is always good because change allows the providers to gather more data and to make more money, to market the newness to make more money, and to make obsolete the past to make more money.  It does not matter if in the process, time is wasted and resources are consumed, mistakes are made and the environment is ruined, change is always welcomed as a good thing.

In the spiritual realm, good is constant.  The actions of Christ arose from good.  The good from Christ has remained good and will continue to be good.  The good as defined by the actions of Christ does not change.

The good that Christ had defined, by His humility, forgiveness and love, not by Satan's pride, thirst for justice and violent vengeance, is the constant good all must strive to achieve, not by changing the definition of good but by changing ourselves to be good like Christ.

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