Monday, May 12, 2014

Joel Osteen's "It's Not Over" Sermon

I happened to catch Joel Osteen's sermon on TBN entitled "It's Not Over" delivered on May 11, 2014.  I wish I could get a copy of it in print but since I think the pastor delivered it without referring to any notes, a printed copy probably does not exist.  However, it is on the May 11 video: #616, It's Not Over. [1]

It was not so much Joel Osteen's wonderful anecdotes that captivated me, although I always enjoy listening to them -- it was the way he weaved into this sermon God, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Seth [2], Jesus and His resurrection and the blood of Christ that is continuing to redeem us from Satan that was absolutely astounding.  The audience was clapping and screaming with approval.  This was definitely a masterpiece, a miracle sermon, a sermon that I imagine was divinely inspired.  Joel Osteen is truly blessed! [3]

[1]  Next to May 11, click on It's Not Over and the video will play.  How long this video will be available I do not know.  It is worth a listen. 
[2] I did not know who Seth was until I heard this sermon.
[3] One does not have to be Catholic to be blessed, and certainly one does not have to be a priest to give good sermons.  I wish that Joel Osteen will one day talk about the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but that would make him "too Catholic" but I do not suppose there is any harm in that.  I am glad that where the Vatican mouthpiece and the mouthpieces of many cardinals and priests seem to be failing the universal "Catholic" church, someone else (a "samaritan" of sorts in an analogous sense) is stepping in to lead the sheep to the Shepherd.

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