Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Opportunist

An opportunist is often more sinister than one who merely takes advantage of an opportunity that happens to be within one's grasp.  The opportunist here is one who takes advantage of one who is kind, giving and forgiving, who yields even to demands that overreach or are unreasonable and whose compassion extends even to ingrates.  Such an opportunist ought to know that he is not the smart one; the smart one is the one who is "meek" for they are the ones who inherit the earth. [1], [2]  Meek is not synonymous with weak.  Meek means "humbly patient or docile," and "gentle and kind." [3]  Only a strong and smart person can be meek and knowingly permit the opportunist to have his way.  In fact the opportunist is the one who is weak, who is a parasite that feeds on opportunities without the slightest compunction, who is without the wherewithal to create and inspire, and who is stupid enough to think that success means trampling on the gentleness and kindness of others and abusing innocence for the day will come when he wits are dimmed and when others like him will devour him in the same way he has devoured others.  And when the others who are devouring are spirits of the underworld and the one being devoured is now a soul, that torment is eternal and that eternal torment is Hell.

[2] Inheriting the earth does not mean having fee simple ownership over tracts and tracts of land; inheriting the earth means inheriting the happiness that nature provides for free, a happiness that is boundless and is enjoyed wholesomely with abandon.
[3]  I find the latter and obsolete definition of meek appropriate here and quoted it.

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