Saturday, May 31, 2014

General Financial Planning, Tax Planning, Retirement Planning, Estate Planning -- What Else?

The common denominator underlying an overall financial plan, a tax plan, a retirement plan and an estate plan is money.  These plans are important for they allow one to maximize for oneself and one's family funds that are necessary to meet daily living expenses, educational expenses, health care expenses, insurance expenses, entertainment expenses and so on.  Volumes of materials have been written by all kinds of experts on these topics, brokerage, hedging and advisory business have been built around them, and people have dedicated their entire careers to them.

As helpful as these plans can be in one's life and in the lives of one's beneficiaries, they are worthless after death.  The majority of people do not spend time working on a plan to take with them beyond the grave even though beyond the grave is an eternity for every soul.

If one is willing to spend so much effort to plan for one life that ends, and the lives of one's descendants (subject to the rule against perpetuities [1]) that will end [2], why does one not plan for one's soul after death that does not end?  That plan, if properly planned and executed during one's life, will inure to benefit to one's soul in perpetuity.  Conversely, if it is not, then one's soul will not be fulfilled for an eternity.  That certainly does not sound good and ought to serve as an urgent reminder for everyone to consider a plan for the soul [3] in this life so that it would bear fruit in the next.

[2] Technically the life of a charity, an educational or religious institution with enough money is an on-going concern that does not end, but for the purposes of this entry, it does, for it will end when the world ends and the world, according to the Bible, will end.  According to science the world will also end when the sun (a star) dies [see ]or when the earth (a planet) dies [see]
[3] How shall one call this sort of plan?  An Eternal Soul Plan? A Resurrection Plan? Toward The Living Christ Plan? Hell Avoidance Plan? Anti-Satan Plan?  Incidentally, I do not  recommend making a livelihood by selling one's expertise in crafting any such plan, whatever it is called, for Heaven is not for sale, and is never on sale, and neither is Hell on sale or for sale because Hell's door is always open and its one-way single entry is free!

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