Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Reflection - The Prayer Of Fatima

The selfless love of a mother for her children has a sort of grandness that approaches unconditional love.  Perhaps on occasion a mother's love reaches the ultimate grandness but praising this grandness would have to be in a separate writing.  This entry is dedicated to a Mother's unceasing love for all Her children, including the ones who are egregiously sinful.  I find this unfailing love apparent in the prayer of Fatima taught to all by Our Lady of Fatima.

As translated, the words of the prayer follow:
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. [1]
Our Mother in Heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary, was born without sin.  In terms of DNA, She is the closest to all of us sinners.  As holy as the Blessed Virgin Mary is, Our Holy Mother is not God. [2]  As such, the Blessed Virgin Mary knows our weaknesses first hand, our predisposition to Sin and all of its variations and Satan's constant influence upon each of us to turn us away from God.  Because of Her understanding of our nature, which is also Her nature but without Sin, the Blessed Virgin Mary is most compassionate and She is our best and most incessant intercessor before God, not only for those who strive to live a good life, inasmuch as possible, to love and Jesus loves, but also for the worst of sinners, those who persecute others, torture others, kill others in contradiction to what Jesus has taught.

It is on the words of the prayer of Fatima that I reflect this day, Mother's Day, and on how grand the love the Blessed Virgin Mary has for all her children, so much so that our Holy Mother could pray to intercede for the souls of those evil children of Hers who had greatly sinned against the souls of Her other children who suffered under the will of the evil ones, to have their sins forgiven and to save all  souls from the fires of Hell. [3]

[1] (in English) and (in Latin).  Note:  The version in Latin uses "inferiori" in reference to hell.  I personally prefer to say "inferni" rather than "inferiori."
[2] The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of Jesus Who is part of the Holy Trinity, and we acknowledge Her as the Mother of God.
[3] I suppose that would even include Judas who betrayed Her Son, Jesus, and those who conspired to have Christ crucified. 

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