Friday, May 16, 2014

Muslim Religion Hijacked

I have never read the Koran but I cannot believe that it advocates violence.  A discussion on the internet gives support to my assumption. [1]  My first hand experience also tells me that Muslims are people just like all other people.  I spoke with many (in English) during my visit to Turkey some years ago and found them to be friendly and helpful to a traveler who had lost his way [2].

How someone who is religious could sentence a pregnant woman to be hanged to death because she happens to be Christian and is married a Christian man is beyond comprehension. [3]  This applies not only to those who believe in Allah, but also those who believe in God.  No one can forget the crucifixion of Jesus.  Although no direct evidence can prove that the Jewish leaders where behind the crucifixion, they certainly were powerful enough to stop it by testifying on behalf of Jesus' innocence [4] but none of them bothered to do so.

All major religions, and minor ones too, have been hijacked at one time or another by extremist followers who kill in the name of religion.  Muslim is the major one at present, but it is not the only one at present.  There is another "religion" called secularism.  It, too, kills. [5]

[2] By means of a photo in a travel book and finger-pointing.
[4] Jesus' innocence is certainly debatable from the perspective of the Jewish religion.  After all, Jesus did not come to live by Jewish law but to show everybody the way to eternal life.
[5] It kills by allowing abortions; it "kills" by passing laws that violate the laws of nature; it "kills" by profiting at the expense of nature;  it "kills" by distancing Christ from the people He came to save.

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