Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Self-Righteous

A self-righteous person who is smart, devious, articulate, ambitious, arrogant, ruthless and power-hungry is the perfect candidate to be a leader and fully ripe to be Satan's pawn.  Satan wants to rule the world with Its pawns.  That does not mean that all Its pawns will have the same mind and act in unison.  In fact, the contrary is true.  Satan wants Its pawns to be in constant conflict.  The more destruction Its pawns release upon this world the happier Satan is because a world at war is a world of people having their inner peace, the peace of Christ, wrung out of them.  Satan wants to turn believers in God into unbelievers by taking away their hopes, their security, their peace and their love for neighbor.  When will those in power who have brought destruction, pain and death to God's children realize that their God-given talents have been hijacked by Satan to carry out Its evil agenda?  It would be too late to repent when they are in Hell and to Hell they will go if they do not wake up and turn away from Satan and follow Christ. 

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