Friday, May 16, 2014

The Look Of Eyes

Regardless of their size, shape or color, the eyes can sometimes tell what a person is like.  Unfortunately, I do not spend time reading what they say because I would rather know people by who they are.  Of course, I have been disappointed, so perhaps I should make a conscious effort to read people's eyes.

I am neither a mind reader, nor am I good judge of character.  I like to assume that everyone is good because I believe that God is in everyone, even though there are those who have set God aside and have made room for the enemy. 

I think that those who have set God aside have eyes that do not accept light and therefore reflect light.  People whose eyes reflect light will not let others look into their souls.  They have shut God out and they have shut others out.  Their eyes are like glass when you look at them.  You see a set of eyes with all of its functions intact, but you see nothing else.  You see nothing else because the person with such reflective eyes are hiding their truths.  Generally the deceitful ones who lie with a straight face have such eyes, as well as the judgmental ones who have form opinions of you before you utter your first word. [1]

I also think that those with eyes that emanate light from the soul have God as their center.  People with eyes that emanate light draw people in, and when you look at them, you see more that just eyes, you see depth in those eyes, and through them, you can see into the soul.  These are people who are generally trustworthy, but some may be rather aloof. [2]  I think their aloofness is a defense mechanism for their self-preservation, so that they would not be exploited or taken advantage of in one way or another because by showing their souls, they become vulnerable.

Of course, in between these extremes are looks of all kinds, and looks of eyes that change like a chameleon, so in reality, there are no hard and fast rules but those outlined are general ones, perhaps too general to be useful.

Since this world is in a constant struggle between the good ones and evil ones, between those with eyes that emanate light and those that reflect it, who will win?  Of course in the end, good will triumph over evil, not so much that evil is vanquished, although in some cases that could be true, but I think in most cases, evil is transformed by good into good.  In other words, those with eyes that emanate light will over time soften those with eyes that reflect it, so that vulnerability will eventually be exposed.  These occurrences are likely to take place often because the hardened ones can see just how beautiful eyes that emanate light are, how pure and loving vulnerability is, and would like to be so transformed.

[1] Pretty eyes can be reflective of light too.
[2] The deceitful ones can be aloof too because they do not want anyone to get too close for fear that their dirty secrets may not be safe.

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