Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fr. Joseph Aythna's Sermon On "Love" And "Lukewarmness"

I was riveted to my television when Fr Joseph Aythna, CPM [1], [2] began his sermon, broadcasted on Monday, May 19, 2014, on EWTN.  This was the first time I ever heard him speak even though I had seen him on ETWN before.  He was articulate, his sermon was succinct and his points were powerfully made. 

At 33, Fr. Joseph Aythna took the love of God to heights that stirred my soul.  His sermon is worth a listen.  It is available on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrH9zimsM_A   The part beginning at approximately 12:57 is, in my opinion, one of the high points of his sermon: "So the biggest misfortune in our life is not pain, not suffering, or sickness or even death itself but a lack of love, a lack of especially in Jesus Christ."  He then spoke about "lukewarmness" and the antidote to it which is to pray for "a holy stubbornness, never to quit in the advancement of spiritual life.  We are all called to the perfection of love...."

[1] "The Fathers of Mercy (Latin: Congregatio Presbyterorum a Misericordia, C.P.M.) is a Catholic religious institute of missionary priests, founded by Jean-Baptiste Rauzan in early 19th-century France."  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fathers_of_Mercy
[2] Father Aythna's biographical page:  http://fathersofmercy.com/priests/fr-joseph-aytona/

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