Monday, May 26, 2014

Did Jesus Play Any Sports?

Jesus did not play sports or other games when He was growing up.  It was pointless for Him to play since He would win every time.  Being the Son of God, He was perfect and could not lose.

On the flip side, no one would want to play against someone who always wins.  Could Jesus not at least pretend to lose from time to time so that His companions and opponents would want to continue playing with Him?  Of course He could, but letting someone win on purpose is to deceive and Jesus does not deceive.

Jesus did not come into this world to play games, to win and to put us to shame (as if making us feel inferior is a sport that delights Him) but to unmask us and expose the games we play, to mend us and make us whole, to prepare us to join Him for an eternity in Heaven.

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