Wednesday, January 29, 2014

God And Religion

No religion owns God and God does not belong to a religion.

My basis for this claim is based on Matthew 12:48-50:
“Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, [Jesus] said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” [1]
The operative word in the response of Jesus is the word "whoever."  Whoever  does the will of God is Heaven is a relative, a "brother and sister and mother," of the Son of God.   Does that not imply that God does not discriminate against or favor any particular religion and therefore does not belong to any one favored religion?  And does that not mean that no man can claim that his religion is the only true religion with sole access to God and that only those belonging to his religion can be part of the family of Jesus?

Although my conclusion is that all religions have equal access to God, I continue to believe that Catholicism is the one religion, in its purest form, not the political, sinful and corrupt institution that it is, that has the most direct path to God, which is through Christ, the Son of God and through His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Why?  Because of the many apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary [2] around the world and the warnings [3] and miracles [4] She has brought had consistently come through the Catholics.

With Catholics having the most direct path to Christ does not negate the fact that everyone else also has a path to Christ albeit not necessarily the most direct.  The words of Christ are clear:  All who do the will of God belong to God.  That means following the path of Christ, the path of love.  No one is excluded from this path.  All are part of God's family, all who walk with Christ on the path of love.

[2] My favorite is the one at Lourdes, France.  Ever since Bernardette Soubirous was asked by the Immaculate Conception to dig into the dirt, the water that started flowing then that still flows today continues to be miraculous and many miraculous healings have been attributed to it.
[3] The warning delivered by the Virgin Mary in Rawanda, Our Lady of Kibeho, came to pass.  See
[4] Miracles are not exclusive to Catholics.  They are plentiful and everywhere and everyone experiences them.  People are not always aware of them because they do not usually come with an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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