Saturday, January 4, 2014

Paul Walker Autopsy Report

On January 3, 2014, Paul Walker's autopsy report was released. [1], [2] published a quick summary that included a description of the driver at death. [3]  In a previous entry [4], I had related my initial uneasiness and reservations with respect to the reckless driver and stated that I never expected the ending to be a tragic one, certainly never could I have imagined the condition of this character's corpse to be like what was described in the article and the autopsy report. [5]  The description was so graphically gruesome that I cannot bear to quote it here. [6]

[4] Note 4 at
[6] What is interesting to observe here are two people, gifted with different talents and leading different lives that crossed paths, whether their initial meeting was by chance or by design I do not know for certain, but their death in the same car accident is not up for speculation, nor the unique way in which each died.  Based on my reading of the reports, Paul Walker's death was in my subjective, non-scientific judgment a relatively blessed one, the driver's not so much.

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