Sunday, January 19, 2014

The One Rosary Prayer Satan Dislikes Most

The rosary I say consists of five prayers, plus the Fatima prayer, one of them is the Glory Be prayer.  Of the prayers of the rosary, this is the prayer that Satan dislikes most.  I have come to this conclusion after analyzing my dream last night. [1]

The Glory Be prayer is not a prayer I used to give much thought to, not until today. It is short, easy to say and quick to finish.  It marks the completion of ten Hail Mary's so why is this prayer so significant to Satan?

On close examination the prayer: "Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy [Spirit], as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen" [2]  glorifies the Holy Trinity from the past, through the present and continuously to the future, and God's creations, including the world, probably not as we know it but in some other form where God's will is done on earth as it is in Heaven ("Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra" [3])

Satan dislikes this prayer because It does not want people praying to God, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and It does not want the Holy Trinity to last and God's will to prevail forever on earth.  Satan want Its  will be done on earth.  Why?  Because Satan sees people as inferior to Its former self, an angel (Lucifer), and despises them.  It wants to destroy all people and the world they live in.  By doing Satan's will, people will be destroyed, but by believing in, praying to, glorifying the Holy Trinity, people will be saved and Satan will go down in defeat.

[1] It was more like a little nightmare than a dream where I was asked to recite (non-verbally) the Glory Be prayer in Latin.  For some reason, I had to struggle because my brain was half asleep and I could not finish it, but I was able to say it in English without trouble. I did that twice, thinking that reciting the Glory Be two times in English would make up for what was demanded of me in Latin once.  I thought that I was done after that and the whole drama would be over.  However, whatever that was looming over me (something undefined, like smoke, big but not life-threatening) was not satisfied and was persistent that I say it in Latin.  I felt like a little child asked by an authority figure to recite something that I simply could not remember.  I felt helpless and squirmed as I tried finish the prayer again and again in Latin.  It must have been the third consecutive attempt that I thought I had said it right, and that was when I stopped.  I stopped because the words "et semper, et in saecula saeculorum" finally came to me and I said them.  Still feeling like a little kid, unsure if I has satisfied what was demanded of me, I kept still, dared not move, and waited for a response, dreading that I had to say the whole prayer again.  The response never came and the amorphous cloud of smoke thinned out and disappeared and I fell back asleep.
[3] Part of the Lord's prayer.  See

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