Friday, January 17, 2014

Satan's Victimcentric World -- Part 2

Why is Satan's world victimcentric?  Satan's world is victimcentric because Satan wants every sinner to see himself or herself as a victim and blame God for every unfortunate incident and every imperfect situation.  That way, Satan can look like a saint because It has done supposedly nothing to cause anyone grief.

By hiding in the background, Satan has been successful in alienating people from God by making them indifferent to God or enforcing their atheistic beliefs.  A world without God is a world in disharmony which leads to continuous conflicts (with each other and with Mother Nature) and sufferings.  Where suffering is present, people are often quick to conclude that those who are suffering are victims.  Their conclusion is wrong.  People suffer because they have turned away from God or they have not turned toward God.

The people in China, a majority of whom do not know Christ, would probably not blame God for the industrial scale pollution but instead would probably blame their government instead.  They therefore would probably see themselves as victims of the state.  (The current pollution levels in Beijing [1] is not caused solely by the winds blowing from the Gobi desert in the east but by coal and wood burning stoves, tens of millions of cars [2] and smoke-spewing heavy industries around China [3] in addition.)  However, in reality, they are not victims of the state's pollutants but are rather creators of pollution because they want to continue to raise their standard of living [4] by consuming goods that pollute the air [5] and making goods to sell worldwide that also pollute the air during their manufacturing processes. [6]

Pictures showing the grey sky over Beijing and the brown toxic air is not my idea of Heaven on earth but rather Hell on earth. [7]

Satan is thriving in China because many Chinese there have not turned toward God.  It is having a great time enticing those who are Godless with desires for money and material things with consequences that are like Hell. [8]  That way, Satan can have Its home away from home.

[4] That is debatable.  Is the standard of living higher when one has to breath in toxic pollutants?
[5] Not that western countries do not consume goods that pollute, they are comparatively not as densely populated as China and therefore the aggregate of pollutants generated by a smaller population is necessarily less than that generated by a significantly larger population.
[6] The west moved away from high-polluting manufacturing industries to concentrate on the financial services and low-polluting high technologies while China, a developing nation, has been happy to take over the "dirty" work and become very rich as a result.
[8] I am not advocating that the Chinese in China do not deserve to have their living standards raised; I am simply observing the manner in which the living standards are being raised do not comport with an ideal God-centered society where taking care of (loving) each other comes first and greed of all kinds is kept at bay.  Not that any society on this planet can serve as a model of such a society for China, but China, rich in natural and human resources, should be able to forge an ideal society based on Divine Love for one another and for Mother Nature so that the rest of the world can follow.

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