Saturday, January 18, 2014

Beyond Satan's Victimcentric World

Is a victimless world even possible?  Most certainly it is but it requires from each individual to believe in God, to act in accordance with the teachings of Christ and to take full responsibility for each and every personal judgment and deed.

Are there exceptions where a person can be victimized by another who has no intent to cause harm to anyone?  I cannot think of any right now, not even a driver's sudden, unexpected loss of momentary consciousness and motor function due to some latent medical reason leading to an injury accident, because a person's health is so much a part of the person that it speaks in no uncertain terms in the form of warnings which are often unheeded until tragedy strikes.

Am I being totally inflexible and heartless in applying the principle of self-responsibility that is faith-based just to prove my point that with God and in God the concept of victimhood does not exist?  I do not think so because God is perfect and acting in accordance to the Will of God will always result in perfection.  In perfection victimhood simply does not exist.

Now imagine a world where nobody fears anybody and no one envies anyone, where all live within one's limitations and with God's unique individual gifts, whatever they maybe, however more or less than the gifts given to another.  One has always to remember that a person with more gifts always carries more and heavier burdens, and that the higher they rise above the rest of mankind, the steeper the fall if they are too proud to ask God for help and to serve in humility. [1]

Serving in humility is required of all for a victimless world.  This is the world of Christ, the world of peace as prescribed by the Prince of Peace.

[1] Serving in humility is not merely the washing of feet of prisoners once a year or hugging a physically deformed person at a place and time that is perfectly choreographed for the cameras.  That is what this pope does.  That is his modus operandi.  That is disgusting.  That is not serving in humility.  That is tantamount to taunting Christ.  Serving in humility is not exerting power and control over the others by law but giving to others the laws of nature as God has given to each person the freedom to choose.  Serving in humility is to serve one another with genuine care and love, to recognize and treat another as one's equal, to respect another person's dignity and freedom and to reach out to the soul of another to share non-verbally the love of God, the common denominator of all souls.

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