Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Unclear Truth

Spiritual clarity eludes all except the holiest of people. [1]  Spiritual clarity is the ability to see the Truth, even when It is invisible and irrational. [2]  However, man always wants to know the Truth, even if he cannot recognize It and refuses to acknowledge It, as he continues to hide from It, contaminate it with his pride and bury It in his sins.  Therefore man is unable to distinguish what is the Truth and what is not but that does not stop him from believing in his own fictions which are his own truths but not God's.  Whatever truth that is not God's is necessarily Satan's for God's Truth does not have an alternate or an argument. [3]  In contrast, Satan's truth always have alternate points of view and arguments in opposition to it, creating discourse and friction that lead to disputes and fights, to death and destruction.

[1] The holiest of people are not easily identified, certainly not identifiable by looking at the religious elite for many of them are not all that holy and therefore are not privy to spiritual Truth even though they speak of It as if all the education they have received would give them authority to tell of it.
[2] Spiritual clarity is the source of Divine Justice (perfect justice) which is beyond the reach of human intellect.
[3] Many passages in the Bible are subject to interpretation and therefore cannot be the Truth for the Truth is always simple, direct and not manipulable.  Are many passages in the Bible flawed?  I believe they must be because they are subject to argument.  Are any of the passages in the Bible the Truth?  I believe so, and they are enough, perhaps one of them is enough and within it, perhaps one word is enough to guide us to Heaven:  Love.

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