Friday, January 24, 2014

Socialist Leaders And Their Hypocrisies

Socialist leaders speak tirelessly of income inequality and wealth redistribution but never, ever mention the extent of their power and their refusal to share it and all the perks that come with it.  They are ensconced in secular governments and in religious organization and behave similarly.

Day in and day out, people clean their living spaces and their bathrooms, do their laundry, iron their clothes, wash their dishes and pick up after them but they do not share their helpers with the poor and busy mothers who have to work and raise their families.  They have chefs to purchase groceries and cook for them whatever they please but they do not cater to the destitute and hungry.  They have the best health care on demand but their doctors and hospitals are not on standby for the ordinary patient.  They have drivers to chauffeur them around but they leave the average worker has to sit in traffic or wait to get on crowded public transportation.  They have bullet-proof vehicles and teams of security to protect them but they do not share them with those most at risk of gang violence and school shootings.  They travel the world in private jets but they do not allow those who are poor and without credentials to ride with them.

Day in and day out they make law for others to follow that contradict God's law of Free Will given to all. [1]  They ask of others to do what they do not do themselves.  For example, certain secular leaders have asked others to be democratic but they alone wield power that destroy families and lives, and they have asked travelers to have their bags scanned and stand in line with theirs shoes off to go through security but they exempt themselves from such hassles, and certain religious leaders have asked followers to be charitable but they are not charitable with their ownership of priceless works of art and real estate around the globe, and they have asked followers to be more like Christ but many of them are overfed and obese.

I am not opposed to leaders doing what they believe in because they have the Free Will to do so, I simply note some of their hypocrisies.

[1] To be fair, non-socialist leaders do the same.

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