Thursday, January 16, 2014

Satan's Victimcentric World -- Part 1

"For every action, there is an equal an opposite reaction." [1]  This is Isaac Newton's third law of motion.  Its application is not limited to physics but extends also to human activity conceptually without exactitude, so it is not quite an "eye for [an] eye"[2] but more like a life for something far less provocative, like texting in a movie theater. [3]  In Satan's victimcentric world, the man who was shot to death was a victim of excessive retaliatory force, the shooter a victim of uncontrollable rage and both of them were victims of Original Sin.

In the world of Jesus Christ, there is no victim.  Even the person who is persecuted in the name of God is not a victim because he or she has chosen to suffer persecution for the love of Christ, in the same way Christ chose to suffer persecution and crucifixion for the love of sinners.  In day to day living, one can avoid being a victim by listening to Christ Who taught us how not to become victims: "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.  And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.  If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.  Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you." [4]

Granted there are situations where one could a victim in the world of Christ, or not.  For instance, in September, 2013, a teenager, a passenger in his mother's van was killed by a woman in a speeding car. [5]  According to my premise above, is therefore the teenager not in the world of Christ?  I have put myself in a position to defend my premise.  I will try to with three arguments that contradict one another, with no satisfactory conclusion.

First, I argue that the teenager was at the time not in the world of Christ because he chose not to be in the world of Christ.  I have no proof of that therefore this first argument fails.  Second I argue that the teenager had chosen to be in the world of Christ but the forces of evil that possessed the woman in the speeding car were so powerful that he was unable to overcome them.  This second argument is itself contradictory because if the teenager had already chosen to be in the world of Christ, he ought to be protected.  My third argument is that the teenager was in the world of Christ and therefore protected, not to live out his live until old age but from living out his life which may entail much suffering so that he can be in Heaven much, much sooner.  I like my third argument best but like the first, I have no proof and therefore it also fails.

Only Truth can reveal the reasons why the teenager's life was taken away, but if Truth does not have reasons, then it must be Divine Love.  In either case, the teenager was a victim in Satan's victimcentric world but in the world of Christ, he was not a victim because he had either chosen whether to belong to Christ or not so that he was either protected or not [6] and if he had chosen to be with Christ, then he was not a victim because he was  protected, not in the way people see things as they ought to be but as God sees things as they should be -- perfect.

[6] Anyone who chooses is not a victim.

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