Sunday, January 26, 2014

March For Life

This past weekend across the United States, from Washington D.C. to San Francisco, people have gathered to march in support for the life and implicitly, against abortion. 

For years I have taken no position because I did not know what to think until I realized that life in the flesh is a gift of God and it is precious, and it is coveted by spirits hoping to experience incarnation [1], [2].  Applying a worldly concept of wishing to be like someone who is admired, the number of spirits desiring to be incarnated probably rose exponentially after the Son of God was Himself in the flesh.  After this realization, I am against abortion, although I continue to believe in the Free Will of those who choose to terminate their pregnancies.  They would ultimately have to face the consequences of their conduct. [3]

In favoring life and the celebration of life, I would like for those who are thinking of ending their pregnancies think about their own lives, despite the struggles, how they have, at times, enjoyed being alive, being able to feel, to laugh and to cry, to love and be loved, and then think of not ever having the opportunity to experience the breadth and the depth of living in the flesh with a soul, a gift from God, as a result of abortion.

[1] See a previous post on this topic at
[2] At some point I contemplated on the Free Will of a person not wanting to be born and that being born contradicted his will.  That was wrong because the concept of not wishing to be born does not exist since whoever is born had an intense desire to be incarnated when it was still a spirit.  A spirit that does not want to be incarnated is not obligated to be incarnated.  The number of spirits that cannot wait for the chance to be born is innumerable and the number of births in every century fall far short of that number.
[3] Chastity is a solution to unwanted pregnancy.

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