Friday, January 17, 2014

Satan's Victimcentric World -- Part 3

The medal of victimhood is not only conferred upon people who have had tragic circumstances befallen them.  Strong, capable and self-sufficient countries wear it too.  Their claim to victimhood is based on fear. [1]  Fear has led them to resort to all sorts of tactics to avoid becoming victimized.  These include the expansion of territorial claims, surreptitious gathering of information without consent and preemptive strikes, none of which is rooted in the teachings of Christ but are all approved and supported by Satan.  For instance, countries that lay claim upon the same waters at vast distances from their terra firma  and build settlements upon disputed land engender strife; countries that gather information on their citizens and allies without consent lead to distrust and countries that are trigger-happy and invade other sovereigns cause even more chaos, suffering and deaths than before the preemptive strikes.

Satan is winning in recent decades because victimhood is in vogue and admitting responsibility is not.  True, the world has seen more suffering, more wars, more bloodshed and more deaths than the present but the present is far ominous.  I think this because the discords are far more intricate and intractable, the conflicts far more subtle and and protracted and the sufferings far less noticeable and far more tolerated [2] than in the past.  The human race, on average, is far more evil and cunning now than before.  Any slight trace of innocence that had been left has been wiped out by Satan's minions who have power.

The regrettable state of this world is not part of God's plan; it is part of Satan's.  Satan's plans set the stage for the destruction of humans so they can all blame God and claim to be victims; God's plan lives in the resurrected Christ Who wants humans to be in charge, to choose God and reject Satan, to return goodness to every moment that is lived, so that they can join Him Who paved the way for the salvation of souls.  Sadly, the present is hurtling toward destruction because God is nowhere to be found in the seats of power, not even in the seat of Peter. [3]

[1] I find that weak, timid and fearful leaders use arrogance and aggression to cover up their weaknesses.  These are also people who are likely non-believers in Christ Who taught us not to fear in the face of persecution, torture, pain and death.
[2] Even the current head of the Vatican has remained silent as turmoil continues in so many parts of the world, yet he spends time producing images without substance purely for media consumption.
[3] I see in this pope a soul without faith and a lot of gesturing without meaning (a regurgitation of a set of religious motor skills acquired a long time ago).  Does anyone wonder if this pope prays when the camera is not around?  I just did.

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