Saturday, February 1, 2014

To God With Gratitude

In the split second that you wake up, before your mind is fully functional, do you know where you are?  You don't.  Do you know you are truly alive?  You don't; you only think you are. 

In the next split second, you see your familiar surroundings and your faculties are now fully intact.  You realize you are in the flesh.  Only in that moment can you be certain you are not only a soul with intellect but a soul with intellect and flesh.  You know are alive.  You are alive in the flesh!

At that moment, you have to be grateful for what God has given you.  Can you imagine waking up and finding out that you are only a field of intellectual energy without the flesh?  How devastated will you be?  Whatever the degree of devastation, your degree of gratitude ought to be a thousand fold - that is not enough - an infinite million fold is more like it.

In the flesh, we can do so much good collectively, and be so thankful for the earth that nurture our existence.  What we do, we must humbly and thankfully do, for one another and for the earth that gives us life, whatever it maybe.  Whatever that is done with love and kindness is unquantifiable; the scale of grandness or the degree of attention received is irrelevant.  Any kind and loving gesture, even if it is seemingly insignificant, is expansive in the heart of person delivering it and in the person receiving it.  It is  the flame of the living God in all its splendor that is inexpressible, just like Heaven is un-illustratable.

To be able deliver in the flesh to another an act of humility, kindness and love is a privilege, one that we must treasure, that we must thank God for because without being alive, we are incapable of such expression.

At the end of everybody's life is the time that one is no longer capable to forgive and to love, to be kind and humble.  Not having to regret for an eternity to deny another forgiveness, kindness and love because of arrogance or pride or some other reason and instead performing humbly beautiful acts of forgiveness, kindness and love when one has ample of opportunity to do so is a step toward Heaven, and a step toward one's union with God when lasting fulfillment is at last attained.

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