Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Loss Of Innocence

We were all born with innocence and vulnerability and we were all beloved for such qualities.  At some point, we became less vulnerable but we also became less innocent.  Perhaps it is the other way around, that we have become less innocent so that we can be less vulnerable.

I do not think living a life of suspicion and vigilance on earth is living a life as it is in Heaven.  In Heaven, there is no need to be watchful or fearful for there is no evil lurking in dark places or deceit hidden in broad daylight.  There, the soul could regain its innocence and fear nothing.

Is earth not possible to be like Heaven so that man to return to innocence and not have to worry about being attacked, so that defense spending and all kinds of security forces and protection would be unnecessary?  I believe that at one time, long ago, before Cain killed Abel, people were able to live innocent lives.  I also like to imagine that some small communities at a later periods were able to do so as well even though I do not think it was likely because I am accustomed to suspicion, suspecting therefore the prevalence of jealousy and infidelity among people.

We are what we are, sinners, and the world is what it is, a cauldron of unsettled scores and impossible justices, where the strong seeks continually to exploit and ruin the weak and Mother Nature in a environment of conflicts and disagreements.  Thus I have no hope that innocence can reign on earth anytime soon, certainly not before the Final Day of Judgment.

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