Friday, February 7, 2014

Embrace The Poverties Of Christ And Be At Peace

Jesus was poor in national pride.  Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea.  How could Jesus be proud of Judea when King Herod of Judea wanted to kill Him?  Why would Jesus have any kind of national pride?  He did not belong to the world even though the world belonged to Him.  He loved the world, one that is without borders and without nations, one that knows no national or ethnic pride, one that does not distinguish one man from another.  He treated Jews and Gentiles alike.  He loved humanity with all its imperfections and died for it to perfect it, from north to south, and east to west.

Jesus was poor in personal pride.  Jesus was humble.  He was forgiving.  He turned the other cheek.  He forgave His persecutors.  He died willingly and without sin.  He never demanded justice.  He accepted the life God gave Him, the life of a refugee, the life one who was despised, criticized and rejected, the life of one who was persecuted, the life one who was betrayed, the life one who was unjustly accused, the life of one who was unjustly punished, tortured and crucified.

Jesus was poor in material possessions.  He was born in a stable.  He owned no home, no luxury goods or unnecessary possessions.  He did not care to have riches.  His detachment from all material possessions was complete.  He did not demand comfort.  He did not demand to be served but served instead.  He did not envy those who were well-off or powerful.  He did not care about equality.  He did not feel entitled to what He did not have.  He lived His life giving of Himself even when He had nothing tangible to give besides His life, for the forgiveness of Sin.

I believe that if we are poor in national and ethnic pride, then there is no reason to protect a certain national interest or preserve a certain ethnic group or culture by spying on or going to war with one another.  I believe that if we have humility, conflicts based on selfishness or religious differences will not arise and cooperation toward sustaining the earth that nurtures all life will take place.  I believe that if we are detached from material possessions, charity, not greed, will be the motivator.  Without greed, national, ethnic and personal pride, I believe that the world will be at peace and we can have inner peace, the peace that Christ gives.

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