Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Glimpse Of Heaven

So, what is Heaven?  It is not so much real property as it is real in every sense of the word, yet it is not easily or frequently visualized, unlike that other depraved place where almost every imaginable form of wickedness can be created, visualized and made into a movie, as the movie industry has so successfully done.

After so many words telling what Heaven is not, the question of what is Heaven has yet to be answered.  What it is, is difficult to visualize because man naturally gravitates toward Sin and is not accustomed to what could be possible which is pure joy and fulfillment.  It is ironic that man strives constantly to attain what fulfills him and makes him happy but battles each other constantly to achieve his ends.  He does this because he is unable to visualize Heaven in all its splendor on the one hand and unwilling to accept the splendor that Heaven has on the other.  While that may sound contradictory, it is not because the latter feeds the former. [1]

Not accepting Heaven is to reject it, and rejecting it means rejecting God.  Rejecting God means not living the life of Christ, a life of forgiveness and love.  Without forgiveness, there is resentment, and resentment sows the seeds of vengeance.  Vengeance will only beget vengeance.  The spiral of vengeance spins like a vortex that unlike a tornado that spins on the surface of the earth spins in the spiritual world toward Hell.

With forgiveness [2], there is love, and love cleanses Sin.  The lighter the burden of Sin the more weightless the soul.  The completely weightless souls ascends [3] toward Heaven.

Heaven, therefore, is love, a love that sprouts from the unconditional forgiving of all wrongs, and the unconditional welcoming of the wrongdoers into a realm of love fill with joy that is eternal and expansive and continually expanding. [4]

[1] Adam and Eve was discontent with life's splendors in the Garden of Eden and refused to accept it as Heaven on earth because they were unable to visualize what Heaven is.  They thought that Heaven was about having all the knowledge and power that God has.  They could not be more wrong, but that was exactly what Satan was able to have them believe.
[2] The forgiveness has to be complete, unconditional and with love.
[3] I do not know of a word that is the opposite of vortex.  Maybe one does not exist.  Maybe that could explain why man has never found a need to devise what lifts him up to Heaven but works diligently on discovering and inventing everything that buries him in Hell.  Not satisfied with the lack of a word, I will supply an image (see below) I found online, showing a row of fountains that represents (very weakly) what the mind cannot fully grasp or imagine, a bright, peaceful and brilliant energy that can be placed by God anywhere to lift a soul from the pits of Sin up to Heaven.  This energy, unlike water, is not subject to gravity and never because of the pull of Sin returns to Sin.
[4] That is Heaven from the perspective of the one who forgives and loves unconditionally.  That is the same Heaven from the perspective of Christ who died on the cross with forgiveness and love. 

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