Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Misguided Francis Papacy

This pope talks often of the need for social justice and an end to economic inequality when he should instead be inspiring people at all economic levels to pray for the salvation of souls, their own and his.  He certainly needs to be saved by prayers for he is exhorting the Catholic leaders around the world to behave like social service workers and turn every church into a social service center that has nothing to do with strengthening one's faith in God and living one's life like Christ but has everything to do with demanding money for the poor as if having money will heal and save a poor person soul.  While charity is a virtue every Christian ought to practice, it is not for the pope to demand it in the same way a secular socialist leader would.  This pope especially should himself embrace poverty, just like his namesake saint, San Francesco d'Assisi, had embraced poverty and not be a hypocrite, so that he can inspire others to give away their belongings and follow Christ.  Sadly, this he could not do or he would have done so long ago.  This pope is not a saint, and he certainly is nothing like San Francesco d'Assisi.  He is not humble like Saint Francis of Assisi but seems to enjoy, perhaps even crave, popularity, attention, fame and power.  Sure he has his supporters but he also faces opposition within the ranks.  I think the papacy will disintegrate under him and that he could very well be, as St. Malachy had predicted, the last pope.

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