Saturday, February 22, 2014

What Wearing Red Means For A Cardinal

"When a cardinal dons his red robes for the first time and is given his red hat, he usually is reminded that the color of the vestments is a call to devote himself completely to Christ and his church, even to the point of shedding his blood if necessary." [1]  Nowadays, shedding a few kilos (pounds) would be a sacrifice, especially the obese ones, whether they are voting cardinals, non-voting cardinals or potential cardinals. [2] 

[2] All Catholic priests and bishops are potential cardinals.  "Can. 351 §1. Those to be promoted Cardinals are men freely selected by the Roman Pontiff, who are at least in the order of the priesthood and are truly outstanding for doctrine, virtue, piety and prudence in practical matters; those who are not already Bishops must receive episcopal consecration."  See

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