Friday, February 7, 2014

January 21, 2014, Homily At The Vatican

In his homily, the pope said:
“[God] always speaks personally, with names. And he personally chooses,” the Pope explained, adding that the story of creation shows us this because “it is the same Lord that with his hands made man and gave him a name: 'You are called Adam.'” [1]
The pope craftily omitted quite an important part of the story.  He omitted to say that Satan also speaks personally to each individual.  After the Lord created Adam and Eve, Satan spoke and convinced them to eat the forbidden apple.  They did, and Hell opened up to receive those who reject God but follow Satan.

I am not sure if this pope is hearing the words of God and acting on them or taunting God with his deceit and doublespeak [2], fulfilling the wishes of Satan.  I very much want this pope to be God's messenger and not Satan's minion.  The fact that he may actually be the latter would not surprise me one bit but I would be overjoyed if he is speaking God's words.  So far, I remain unconvinced that he is God's choice. 

[2] Doublespeak example:  "During one of his Wednesday audiences, Pope Francis evoked a cheer from the people, who proceeded to repeatedly shout his name. In response, the Holy Father diverted from his text and earnestly admonished the crowd, “non Francesco, non Francesco! – Cristo! Cristo! Cristo!” Whereupon they proceeded to cheer even louder. "  See At first one would think that the pope is humble because he wanted the crowd to cheer for Christ ("Cristo!") rather than for him ("Francesco!").  The effect of doublespeak comes in deftly and insidiously when the sinister side is revealed: This pope wanted to hear the crowd below him cheer "Cristo! Cristo! Cristo!" as if he were Cristo and not Francesco.  Satan desperately wants the same.  It wants you to see It as Christ, to think of It as Christ, albeit It is the anti-Christ.
During one of his Wednesday audiences, Pope Francis evoked a cheer from the people, who proceeded to repeatedly shout his name. In response, the Holy Father diverted from his text and earnestly admonished the crowd, “non Francesco, non Francesco! – Cristo! Cristo! Cristo!” Whereupon they proceeded to cheer even louder. - See more at:
During one of his Wednesday audiences, Pope Francis evoked a cheer from the people, who proceeded to repeatedly shout his name. In response, the Holy Father diverted from his text and earnestly admonished the crowd, “non Francesco, non Francesco! – Cristo! Cristo! Cristo!” Whereupon they proceeded to cheer even louder. - See more at:
During one of his Wednesday audiences, Pope Francis evoked a cheer from the people, who proceeded to repeatedly shout his name. In response, the Holy Father diverted from his text and earnestly admonished the crowd, “non Francesco, non Francesco! – Cristo! Cristo! Cristo!” Whereupon they proceeded to cheer even louder. - See more at:
During one of his Wednesday audiences, Pope Francis evoked a cheer from the people, who proceeded to repeatedly shout his name. In response, the Holy Father diverted from his text and earnestly admonished the crowd, “non Francesco, non Francesco! – Cristo! Cristo! Cristo!” Whereupon they proceeded to cheer even louder. - See more at:

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