Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Who Is God And What Is Prayer?

Who is God?  God is our creator.  Through Jesus Christ, the Son of God and His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, we are able to have a close, personal relationship with the One nobody has seen or touched.  Without Them [1], we are unable to reach the Father. [2], [3]

What is prayer?  Prayer is a conversation, not a soliloquy.  Prayer is a pleading for divine intervention, for oneself, for someone else or souls that need it.   Prayer is a means to express our gratitude for God's gifts.  Prayer is a hymn, sung in praise of God.  Prayer is a time of holy ecstasy, if we are so lucky to experience even a moment of it once in our lifetime.

Prayers are always welcomed, heard and answered.

Supplicate, and be showered with blessings!

[1] Without the Virgin Mary, we would not have Christ, and without Christ, we would not be able to have access to God, not anymore.  See [2] below.
[2] "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"  See http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+14%3A6&version=NIV
[3] Some segments of the population still believe that they have a direct line to God.  That might have been true in the eras before Christ (B.C.) but that line has been cut off because the Commandments, only ten of them (see http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/command.htm), were ignored.  I do not believe God has spoken to these people or given them any more tablets (iPads and other android tablets do not count because they are not directly from God) or commandments since Christ was born (Anno Domini or A.D.) 2,013 years ago.  Why they are still waiting for their Messiah is a mystery to me when the crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ had already taken place.

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