Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Flakes -- A Peek At What Awaits In Heaven

Alexey Kljatov's photographs of snow flakes can be seen here: snowflake photos by alexey_kljatov [1]  Each of them is unique and beautiful but only for a short time, then it melts.  There is no need to feel sorry over the loss of such stunning creations because there are a limitless number of unique and beautiful snow flakes that are yet to be fallen.  Imagine for a moment, that each snowflake is a material possession one possesses and prizes.  What are the uses of human possessions when life is only for a moment relative to time, [2] when an eternity of endless and ephemeral beauty awaits in Heaven? [3]

[1] Or here: or elsewhere on the internet.
[2] Time does not exist in itself because time is timeless.  In other words, the human concept of duration is unknown and irrelevant to time.
[3] One commenter in the link above asked why not just leave beauty alone and not bring God into it.  My answer is that God is the creator of all things directly and indirectly, seen and unseen and all that is humanly possible and impossible.  Keeping God away is an exercise of Free Will.  That leaves a void in the soul.  Inside that vast emptiness the best one can have is meaninglessness and the worst is having it filled by Satan.  I pity the soul that has abandoned God's boundless magnificence, especially at the end of its incarnation when its intellect asks, "Is that all?" and there is only silence from above only to be pierced all of a sudden by screams of torment below.

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