Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Celebrating The New Year Around The World With Joy & With Love!

I just love seeing all the fireworks around the world celebrating the new year.  Why humans loves the midnight of December 31 I do not know for sure.  I do know that it make me so very happy because a whole year of newness is upon us: it is fresh, it is clean, it is full of hope!

When Christ was born, we not only have a brand new year -- we have a brand new era in Anno Domini ("A.D."), defined literally as "'in the year of the Lord.'" [1]  We all are actually living each moment in A.D., in the era of the Lord.  Think about it.  How lucky we are!  How wonderful it is!  We are in an era full of newness and full of hope!  The newness of this era is a lasting newness with a brand new and eternal covenant between God and man which when distilled to its core is simply this: Love as Christ loves. [2], [3]

Love All! And Be Loved!

To My Dear and Beloved Readers:  Happy New Year!  

[1] http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/Anno-Domini
[2] http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+13%3A34
[3] It would be incorrect to say Love as Christ loved because Christ is a living Christ.  He resurrected.  And He still loves! 

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