Friday, December 13, 2013

Atheists At Christmas

I am pained to see in the media that a digital sign saying "Who need Christ during Christmas? Nobody"  [1] is in New York's Times Square.  This sign was posted by the current president of American atheists David Silverman.[2]

I am pained because Christ is being crucified again, posthumously.  These atheists are not unconscious of Christ because they are expressly rejecting Christ with knowledge and intellect.  However, they could be unconscious of Satan and have become its minions.  Evidences of that are in the ways they celebrate Christmas, with different kinds of entertainment, parties, trees full of ornaments and colorful blinking lights, all without the slightest attention being paid to the Holy Family.

Evidence is also in the giving of certain gifts that bring momentary smiles to faces, smiles that fade away when such gifts are no longer fashionable, broken or technologically embarrassing to own.  Even gifts that are practical are temporal on the one hand and a nuisance when they are given year after year on the other [3]  All these material things can be good but are all tainted in one way or another, before, during and after their creation, by Satan to bring ruin to life and all things that sustain it. [4], [5]  Even receiving things that are produced by Mother Nature and are wholesome have nothing to do with Christmas.

Christmas is about Christ and His birth, His humility and His saving grace.  With the birth of Christ, we have been given a new Adam, and a new Eve, the Mother of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary.  They are the Ones to give us all a chance at a new life.    At the crucifixion, Christ had shed His Holy blood for the redemption of Sin and its variations.  Upon His resurrection, the living Christ has given all hope for an eternity with God.  These are the true gifts of Christmas.  They are the reasons for the celebrations.  Nothing else, not the sights and the sounds, the shopping and the gift-giving or the food and the drinks, matters.

Those who say that nobody needs Christ for Christmas, or at any other time for that matter, have taken their gifts for granted and have exercised their Free Will in favor of Satan.  This Oratio Fatima is for them:

Domine Iesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, salva nos ab igne inferni, perduc in cealum omnes animas, praesertim eas, quae misericordiae tuae maxime indigent. [6]

[2] When I saw him on television, he does not look evil.  Perhaps he had given up fighting his battles with Satan and Satan now owns him and has made him its spokesman.  It is my hope that one day he will look into the mirror and see God waiting patiently for his return and reject the call of Satan.
[3] For example, how many cappuccino makers does one need?  How many sweaters and how much bling can one wear?  Perhaps an exception could be made for a fine wine that improves with age but arguably that is a gift of God, a transubstantiable drink that can become the blood for Christ for the forgiveness of sins, but when abused, can lead to death and destruction.  Having a discussion on alcoholism and drunk driving is not intended for this blog.
[4] For example, cell phones are a convenience and can be used for good, but how many different models and variations do people need, year after year?  Are they not driven by corporate greed?  Is greed not part of Satan's Original Temptation that led to Adam and Eve's Original Sin?  Is not the seemingly innocuous and respectable business concept of creating demand, when stripped of its euphemistic coating, equivalent to any of Satan's temptations that exploit man's Free Will and corrupts his desires?
[5] Matters that can be good are tainted by Satan before their creation are driven by greed (see [4] above); those tainted by Satan during their creation are also driven by greed by exploiting natural resources without compunction for profit; and those tainted by Satan after their creation raises toxicity in the soil and in the water when they leak chemicals during the recycling and decomposition processes in concentrations that ruin health and lives.

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