Monday, December 16, 2013

Evangelii Gaudium - Analysis And Opinion - Conclusion

I decided that I will not waste any more time dissecting this pope's Evangelii Gaudium because I know his modus operandi now:  He often uses readily digestible words in explaining the teachings of Jesus.  He is a master at that.  However, if one examines carefully all the words that he uses, he is actually saying something what I suppose an Antichrist would say.  He is also a master at that, at hiding his Christ-killing dagger, metaphorically speaking, in the center of his bouquet of noteworthy fragrant roses.  I find that his tactics are not that much different from Judas' kiss of betrayal and death.

I predict that the more popularity he gains and the more followers he garners (many, including the religious, have already fallen prey to his diabolic pretenses), the bolder he becomes in destroying the Church by words and deeds.

Perhaps Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) should be renamed Satanam Gaudium (The Joy of Satan).

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