Thursday, December 26, 2013

Comunità Cenacolo

The Light of Christ still shines brightly in select parts of the world and in the hearts of believers despite the increasing ground-gaining momentum of secularism and relativism [1] worldwide.  Comunitá Cenacolo is part of this Light and this year, 2013, Comunitá Cenacolo is celebrating its 30th year.
Comunità Cenacolo America is part of the international Comunità Cenacolo, Community of the Cenacle [2] , founded in Italy in 1983 by a dynamic, vibrant, and faith-filled religious sister named Elvira Petrozzi. Mother Elvira felt certain that God was calling her to serve the poor of the modern world: disillusioned young men and women who live in desperation and hopelessness, convinced that life has no meaning or value. Unable to find peace or joy in their lives, they seek to fill the emptiness with the illusory pleasures of the world, only to find themselves steeped in an intense interior isolation. [3]
As I see increasing clouds of evil darkening the world over, battles against Satan and its minions are still being waged.  These battles do not require a regiment.  They require only a single warrior.  Sister Elvira Petrozzi is one and she is at the front line.

Each one of us should be encouraged by the saintly Sister Elvira to do our part, however small, however humble it may be, to save those who are drowning in the meaninglessness of life, to lift up them from the suffocating depths of silent desperation and reignite their hope in Christ, their joy in the knowledge of salvation and return to them the inner peace that comes with prayers and faith in God.

[1] Secularism and relativism are two evil twins of modern society that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI often urged us to become aware of so that we do not fall into Satan's trap and remove Christ from our daily existence.  See  Incidentally, the concept of tolerance that Pope Benedict XVI's successor uses is synonymous to relativism in many ways, so beware of  the creature's subtle means that could lead one to eternal ruin.
[2] Cenacle is defined as the upper room where the Last Supper was held.  See

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