Saturday, December 21, 2013

Atheists On Judgment Day

My last two posts alluded to the gradual rise of evil on a grand scale orchestrated by the Prince of Darkness.  This impending doom has been the talk for centuries but no evidence seems to suggest the irreversibility of its advancement or its tenacious grip on the world.  Atheists would look at history and point out all those times when humanity had suffered greatly but nonetheless was able to recover and a new era of relative peace and prosperity would reign for some time.  Based on this seemingly irrefutable pattern, they would extrapolate that the cycles of war and peace, of nature's destruction and man's reconstruction, of plagues and plagues' panacea would continue without end.

Some may agree with such an inference but I do not because humans are not living in equilibrium with their living host that is earth.  The earth's natural resources are continuously being exploited for profit and excess comfort without regard to consequences, forever weakening its life-sustaining capabilities with toxicity.  I can certainly be blamed in part for destroying the very world that is sustaining my life, and probably so can every other sinner who ever lived.  As the world population increases with more and more people who are becoming wealthier and wealthier and indulging in all kinds of excess consumption, then human life as we know it would necessarily end in extinction in a Godless world.

Since man is a creation of God and has a soul, his extinction [1] is not part of nature's evolution like certain other organisms. Given this Truth and the greedy rate of consumption continuously exceeding the natural rate of replenishment and regeneration, man will have nowhere to run but to face his Creator, if not in the flesh then definitely as a soul, when Mother Nature can no longer sustain human life.  This encounter will take place on Judgment Day.

Judgment Day is not an ordinary 24-hour day but rather a day like no other when the whole world will be at war, when neighbor will be against neighbor and brother will be against brother because everyone wants the last morsel of resource that will sustain life a while longer in the hope that something might be discovered or invented in time to save his own.  Such a hope is futile because all hopes are taken away on that day when man reconciles himself in the Light of Truth, when he has nowhere to hide and his only chance to be reunited with his Creator is to have God's forgiveness.

For perhaps the first time, some atheists would kneel before the God they did not believe in and before the wounded Christ they eliminated from Christmas and the carols believers sing to rejoice in the birth of Jesus.  Whether they will join the Prince of Peace or the Prince of Darkness for an eternity I do not know but I imagine that if they continue to think that life on earth would return to normal eventually as it had so many times in the past, then Satan would laugh derisively at their ignorance for it maintains that they have always been losers and are undeserving of God. [2]

[1] Extinction for the purpose of this post is defined as the total disappearance of the species, flesh and soul combined.
[2] Satan was Lucifer the angel that revolted because of its hatred toward humans.

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