Sunday, December 29, 2013

A New Year's Resolution

My new year's resolution is a hope to meet others who relate to the Virgin Mary as their real mother and to the Lord as their real father.  This resolution is extension of a resolution I made during the year many, many years ago when I adopted the Virgin Mary as my mother and the Lord as my father.  From that point on, they became my real parents while my biological parents became my designated father and mother on earth.

My real parents are the ones I go to first and always.  Wherever I am, whatever circumstance I am in and whatever time it maybe they are there to guide, support and help me.  I speak with them through prayers and they reply. [1]

My biological parents are elders whom I respect and love to the best of my ability.  I am there for them as they have been there for me when I was young and incapable of taking care of myself.  They have raised me up on earth and it is my hope that I can help raise them up toward Heaven.

[1] They are always replying.  Only when I am fully aware of everything  that is taking place at any moment do I know what the replies are.  A reply could be an eventual feeling of peace even though the hopes that I sometimes attach to prayers are not fulfilled.  Since my new year's resolution this year is a hope, it may go unanswered.  If answered, it may not be any time soon, or it may be answered in some unexpected way.  Deep down, I think I will have an answer but it will probably not be quick and easy.

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