Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What Christmas Means

Christmas is about gatherings and gifts, parties and presents but Christmas is more than just that.  Christmas is the day the Son of God became incarnate.  As a man, Jesus was one of us, one Whom we understand, in all His humanity, One Who understands us, in all our excellence and all our frailties.  Jesus become one of us to encourage us to maximize our excellence and to show us how to endure our trials.  With the birth of Christ, everything is possible, even the seemingly impossible.

We are renewed every year at Christmas our faith in Christ that we will be safe, that we will no longer have to worry, no longer have stress, no longer fear and that we will always have peace. [1] 

[1] How wonderful is that?  Who, besides Christ, Who was born among us and lived among us can give us these gifts?  Nobody, not the not those who govern, not those who preach, not our parents or our children, not even the saints.  

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