Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Unrepentant Sinner And The Antichrist

This is all speculation because I do not know the Antichrist, and one way I am able to introduce it is to contrast it with the unrepentant sinner.

The unrepentant sinner rejects God time and time again by his actions in life, and when given again and again the chance to repent, he does not, not even at that one final moment, when he is given his last chance to will freely to gather up all his negative energy at one time within his being, the concentration of which would undoubtedly be extremely painful and difficult to bear, and offer it up to God with supplication in exchange for forgiveness and grace so that Hell would not be his eternal destination.

The Antichrist, I think, is different.  It is Satan incarnate and as such, it is content being in Hell and has no need to repent.  It acknowledges God, not as its Savior but as its enemy.  Thus it has no reason to reject God but every reason to defeat God.

In order for the Antichrist to be seen, it has to be in the flesh.  Since Satan is unable to create life, it has to hijack it.  Therefore anyone of us who is weak, who does not ask for God's help to battle Satan, can be the Antichrist or a servant of the Antichrist.

The true Antichrist is not going to arise out of powerlessness.  It is not going to duplicate the path of Jesus Christ.  It will do the opposite.  It will emerge in the seat of power.  It needs to be in the seat of power, not just any power within the borders of a country or even a continent, but power that reaches every corner of this earth because it knows how difficult it is to direct every soul toward Hell.  In the seat of power, it would be able to brainwash the weak to lead a Godless life, to sustain their negative energy by feeding them the emptiness of desire and the hatefulness of envy by rejecting the truth that the gift life is precious and that it comes from God.

Which seat has enough plenary power today to attract the Antichrist I do not know.  I do not know how much power the pope, or any government or private sector leader has.  I do know that a combination of several of them will have enough power the Antichrist would want.  If the Antichrist is not just one person but an unholy trinity, then I conjecture that they would be comprised of one who controls ideology, a second who rules over the medium of exchange and a third who is both judge and executioner, and they all would have the same mind as Satan.

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