Saturday, September 2, 2017

Absolute Truth & Judgment

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Absolute truth does not require judgment; rather, it is absolute truth that judges.

There are two sources of absolute truth: God and Satan.  God is truly and absolutely good whereas Satan is truly and absolutely evil.  Neither God nor Satan is subject to judgment: it is God (through Jesus Christ the Son) and Satan that judge.

Christ and Satan judge in opposite ways.  Christ judges the frequency and the extent a sinner has chosen to sin whereas Satan does just the opposite: it judges the frequency and the extent a sinner has chosen not to sin.

When the Son of God Himself, as man, stands on the scale of judgment, it is 100% to 0, with 100% on the side of God.  The same is true with the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Both came into being without Original Sin.  On the other end of the spectrum are Adam and Eve who also came into being without Original Sin, but when each of them stands on the scale, it would also be 100% to 0 with 100 % on the side of Satan.  They sinned purposefully under the eyes of God Who spoke to them directly, presumably more often than God speaks directly to any one of their descendants.  Notwithstanding their close relationship to God, they chose to disobey God and believe the Serpent.  It would require God's mercy to counterbalance their one-sided scale resting on the side of Satan.  Whether God has given them mercy nobody knows.

One can speculate as to what the scale would read should one stands on it.  Would it be 100% on the side of God?  That is not likely since one is burdened with Original Sin.  Would it be 100% on the side of Satan?  That, too, is not likely unless one has chosen irrevocably to reject God and worship Satan, which could take on many forms, one of which that is popular in this age is indifference to God.  Therefore, anywhere in between could be a realistic reading when one goes on the scale of judgment.

One ought to be concerned when the scale reads 50/50.  This means that one favors God and Satan in equal measure--by choice.  To equate God with Satan, one may as well be prepared for an eternity in Hell.

When the scale reads 49% on the side of God and 51% on the side of Satan, one would likely be destined for Hell, but because God is a merciful God, Christ might be inclined to give the sinner the benefit of the doubt that he or she had tried, given that 49 out of 100 times the person had chosen God over Satan, but failed to choose God 51 times because of Satan's overwhelming force that he or she was unable to overcome in life.  How much mercy a sinner who is near the 100% mark on the scale that sides with Satan will receive from Christ is beyond speculation.

There is no doubt that the 1% that would swing the scale from 50/50 to 51/49 with 51% on the side of God is an extremely difficult task.  This is a steep uphill battle man has to engage in when he is met with the choice choosing between absolute good and tainted good.  Any good that is tainted by evil, even to a minuscule degree, is evil.  There is no gray area.  It is simple to taint an "absolute good" and that is why Satan is having such an easy time in collecting souls that are defeated because they are unwilling to let go of that one very little bit of temptation that Satan tailors with precision to take advantage of the weaknesses of every individual.

It takes a person with intestinal fortitude to withstand even the weakest of Satan's temptations, and Satan rarely tempts with its least influential temptation.  When Satan tempts man, it tempts to win, and will tempt and tempt again until it does.  Therefore, man's battles to gain that 1% to tip the scale in favor of God are continuous, exhausting, and unwinnable without God's help.

In order to have God's help, one must be humble and have faith in God.

This may sound circular since in order to have God's help, one must already believe in God, and if one already believes in God, Satan would likely not stand a chance.  That may or may not be true since it is the degree of conviction of one's faith in God and one's obedience that make all the difference.  If one's faith wavers or if one chooses to be disobedient, then even though one may believe in God, that uncertain faith or willful disobedience will not be able to withstand Satan's relentless advances--Satan will do everything in its power to change the balance that favors God 51% to Satan's 49 percent.

In doing so, Satan judges constantly man's choice.  When man chooses good that comes from God too often, Satan will offer him choices that appear to be good, with every one of those choices having an attached condition that comes from Satan.  That condition, however innocuous it may seem, is not a good that belongs to God.  The good that God is looking for is a good that is pure, innocent, simple, constant and unconditional.

Thus, to be able to gain that very difficult 1% that tips one's scale toward God and away from Satan, one must be willing to face up to one's own absolute truth, what one truly desires, God or Satan, and not be like Eve who blamed the Serpent (and indirectly God Who allowed the Serpent into the Garden of Eden to tempt her), or be like Adam who blamed Eve (and indirectly God Who created Eve to be his companion) for his choice to follow her.

Even when one has reached the 51/49 reading on the scale, tipping it toward God, there is no guarantee that it will remain there throughout one's life.  A 51/49 reading favoring God is precarious.  Keeping and improving it will require a firm commitment to God on the one hand, and the Blessed Virgin Mary's intercessions and God's mercy on the other, obtainable by praying and saying the rosary often.

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