Sunday, September 10, 2017

Salvation For All - Is Possible With God But Not Necessarily A Given

The following is quoted from the book An Appeal From Mary In Argentina  by Father René Laurentin [1]:

"St. Paul says that God wants all to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4).
"The perspective of universal salvation, given by God, dominates the messages from the beginning.  It is a recurring theme:

     The Lord gives His light.  Permit it to illuminate you and it will deliver the sinner from all chastisement.  In His time the Lord will make known the greatness of His works.  (2/19/84, #56)
     You ask yourselves whether the Lord can forgive those who forget His existence.  And I say to you: yes, my dear children, the Lord can do it because of His great mercy.  Yet, do not abuse the goodness of God, and cling to my mantle with strength for it will really cleanse you, and will present you pure before the Lord.  (2/28/86, #811).

"And still on September 16, 1986:

     God all powerful will save him who recognizes the Lord, as well as the unbeliever.  Blessed be His power!  (#969).

"She invites us to rely on her, her loving presence as mother in the sanctuary of San Nicholás:

     My daughter, it is because of a minority of good people that many evil ones will find salvation.  Through prayer, I mean to say, through the persevering prayer of true Christians, many will be saved.  Such is the reason for my presence and the meaning of my messages which are eventually the Word of the Lord.  (12/15/86, #1046)."  [Italics  original.] [2]

[1] Laurentin, Father René.  An Appeal From Mary In Argentina.  Translated by Juan Gonzalez Jr., Ph.D. (Milford, Ohio: Faith Publishing Company, 1990), 103-4.
[2] This blogger has always maintained that there is no blanket mercy for all from God, in particular those who, to the very end, refuse to recognize the Lord.  Here, the Blessed Mother said that God is all powerful and will save the believer in the Lord "as well as" the "unbeliever."  This shows the power of God over Satan who thinks that it has won over a soul for eternity when the soul has chosen to reject God and that God has no power over that choice.  Apparently, this is wrong.  God is all powerful: "Blessed be His power!" said the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Then, in a subsequent message, making sure that people are not mistaken by thinking they they are entitled to God's power and mercy in their favor no matter what they do, what they believe or not believe in, that they will have salvation and go to Heaven, the Blessed Mother said that many (not all) evil ones will find salvation through the "persevering prayer" of "true Christians" as opposed to perhaps "occasional prayers" of hypocritical, opportunistic or superficial ones.  These words of the Blessed Mother, in this blogger's opinion, mean that those whose hearts are filled with love, purity and humility have much work to do, helping the Blessed Mother pray for those who do evil, especially the powerful ones whose decisions and actions have caused so much pain and suffering to so many people, including those most vulnerable, robbing them of their lives and displacing them from their homes without seemingly the least bit of regret while basking in their pride and short-lived earthly glory from the perspective of those just like them who are deaf and blind to the Lord.  One day, perhaps this blogger will pray with perseverance for these evil people, out of love and not of a sense of obligation, but that day will have to wait, for his heart is not quite yet the one the Blessed Mother is looking for, one that is full of love, purity and humility.

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