Saturday, September 23, 2017

Catholicism Is Not The Only Door To Heaven

In addition to Our Lady of Kibeho: Mary Speaks to the World from the Heart of Africa, a book written by Immaculée Ilibagiza, with Steve Irwin, which focuses mainly on the apparitions seen by three of the many visionaries in Kibeho, Rwanda, namely Alphonsine Mumureke, [Anathalie] Mukamazimpaka and Marie-Claire Mukangango [1] that were Bishop-approved with the Vatican's recognition [2] is another book entitled The Boy who met Jesus: Segatashya of Kibeho, from which the following is being quoted [3]:

     I will find the hearts of everyone who believes in me and follows my commandments--no matter which Bible they read or which religion they belong to.
     When I come looking for my children, I will not only look in the Catholic Church for good Christians who do good deeds and acts of love and devotion.  I will look across the entire world for those who honor my commandments and love me with an open and sincere heart . . . it is their love, not their religion, that makes them true children of God.  Tell this one truth to all those to whom you speak to in my name: Believe in me, and in whatever you do in life, do it with faith and love.
     Those who do know of God, who have been taught of God's ways, will be held to a higher standard . . . for to those who have been given, much will be expected.  No one is forced to believe in God, but still, God lives in every person's heart . . . just follow your heart to God's love.  Those who live in love will hear God's voice, because God's voice is a voice of love.

The words together with the ellipses quoted above, were the words spoken by Jesus, retold by Segatashya, when Segatashya asked Jesus what to "say to people who tell me that because Jesus appears most often to visionaries who are Catholic, that they will be forced to read the Catholic Bible?" [4]

This blogger doubts very much that Segatashya's apparitions will ever receive the Vatican's recognition, simply because the Vatican thinks the Catholic Church has a monopoly over God and that its teachings are infallible.  For Jesus to say that He will not only look for His children in the Catholic Church but also across the whole world means to this blogger that Catholics are not the only ones who have God's attention and love, but also Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, non-Catholic Christians and others, possibly including those without a religion and atheists who "live in love" who "will hear God's voice, because God's voice is a voice of love."

This is where drawing a conclusion as to whether an atheist who rejects God but who lives in love will hear God's voice is difficult, if not impossible.  Can someone who rejects God "live in love"?  What does "living in love" mean exactly?  Does it mean that one must love the idea of a Creator?  Does it mean that one must never commit a sin consciously?

Perhaps these questions and many others are not meant to be answered.  Perhaps when one hears God's voice will one then know that he or she could possibly be "living in love."

For those who would like to read a few pages from The Boy who met Jesus: Segatashya of Kibeho can go to [5]  Just a few chapters into the book, this blogger had already asked Segatashya in prayerful thoughts to put in a good word for him.

[3] Ilibagiza, Immaculée, & Irwin, Steve (2011). The Boy who met Jesus: Segatashya of Kibeho (1st ed., p. 61). Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc.
[4] Ibid.
[-] A side note: there will likely be no more entries in this blog for about a month unless there is time to write while traveling.

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