Friday, September 8, 2017

Consecration To The Immaculate Heart Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

The following is quoted from the book An Appeal From Mary In Argentina  by Father René Laurentin [1]:

"Our Lady invites us to a true consecration.  It is the root of all holiness.  Consecration is our deification for Eternity.  God alone, then, is its beginning and end.

"On February 12, 1988, she states her specific role in this consecration:

     My daughter, when a heart opens up to the heart of a mother, it stays there.  When a heart abandons itself to the heart of a mother, she will shape it and guide it to her Son. In this heart will be found purity, love, humility, for it deals with the heart of her who loves her Son, and who obeys Him.  (#1353).

"If at times the Blessed Virgin refers consecration to her Immaculate Heart, it is as a relay, a way, a path to God, for eventually it is a consecration (deification) only to God, and through God.  And the message of Mary expresses this fundamental truth very well; whence this prayer which she inspires in Gladys on August 10, 1986:

'Most beloved Mother, teach me to love Jesus.  Make me worthy of Jesus and of you, my Mother!  And may the consecration of this day unite me more to you and your Son. Amen!'

"To Christ, first of all, and in Him, to Mary.

'Afterwards, she said to me:'

     Your brothers can recite this prayer on the day of their consecration to my Heart.  The consecration will not deprive the Christian of his freedom.  It will not annihilate it.  But it will make him grow interiorly.  It will permit spiritual renewal of each day.  It will allow it to introduce itself into my heart, and to nourish itself there completely.  Thus they will love Jesus in a total manner by passing through my heart.  My heart gives and it demands, but it does not ask for the impossible.  (8/10/86, #939).

"Mary is at the service of the supreme and gratuitous freedom of God, and of the freedom of mankind, which cannot be fulfilled except in harmony with the Supreme Freedom.  Our deification is inscribed in the wake of the basic conversion---that which Jesus made of His humanity, and of all humanity in the womb of Mary, on the day of the Annunciation through the hypostatic union.

"God, Who alone consecrates, does not do anything without us.  Consecration is then also a free act, our irreplaceable commitment.  It is done through prayer.

     This is what I tell those who are consecrated to me:
     Renew yourself through prayer, through an intense prayer.
  I want perseverance, I want fidelity.  I want authentic consecrated souls.  I want you with me; you have approached my heart.  You have introduced yourselves into my heart; continue in it.  Offer, my children, together with your love, your spirit of penance.  (3/24/87, #1135).

"The request become more pressing beginning in 1988:

     This consecration does not demand either paper or formula, because this consecration will go straight to my heart [ . . . ].  It will only be received by my heart.  (5/25/88, day of the monthly pilgrimage, #1426).


"One of the last messages (February 2, 1990) exhorts those who are committed through vows in consecration:

  I ask my consecrated children to give their mother everything she requests.
     That they devote at least an hour each day to prayer.
     That they receive Communion daily.
     That they be humble.
     That they be at the complete service of Mary.
  That they be pleasing to God each day by living as consecrated souls.
     That they be united to the Love of her Son.
    That they ask for the Grace to live under the Light of the Holy Spirit.
    The consecration must be made on a special feast of the Mother.  Such is the consecration which I ask in my sanctuary.  (#1798)." [Emphasis and italics  original.]

[1] Laurentin, Father René.  An Appeal From Mary In Argentina.  Translated by Juan Gonzalez Jr., Ph.D. (Milford, Ohio: Faith Publishing Company, 1990), 95-8.

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