Monday, September 18, 2017

Catholicism Unclothed

Emboldened by the words of the Blessed Mother and Her Son received by Gladys of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina, and the stories of the visionaries told by Immaculée Ilibagiza in her book Our Lady of Kibeho: Mary Speaks to the World from the Heart of Africa, this blogger is able to blog about certain topics that are above his grade level.  This new found degree of self-assurance did not come from arrogance but is born out of a desire to share God's Truth (as he sees it) to the extent that it flows into his mind rather effortlessly.  This entry is a result of this emboldening.  defines Catholicism as "the faith, system, and practice of the Catholic Church, especially the Roman Catholic Church," quoted without hyperlinks. [1]  Although the foundation of the Catholic Church's "the faith, system and practice" rests upon the Bible and ultimately on the Truth spoken by the Founder Who was the Son of God, Christ Himself, a sizable portion of it was based on the fallible construction of man, including many who had once sat on the rock of Peter.

New layers of constructs that are continually being built upon the the rock of Peter the Apostle in the present age do not simply lack the capability to stand on their own as God's Eternal Truth but actually weaken the entire structure that was built by the Son of God while He was Man Who made it so impenetrable that it blocked out even Satan himself.  The modern disciples who run the Vatican and those serve it are not warriors battling Satan: (aside from exorcists) they are diplomats trying to strike a compromise with the Devil.  They do not demonstrate the zeal necessary to proclaim the veritable words of Christ and His Mother Who tirelessly wants Her children to turn their collective focus from the empty distractions of this world back to the fullness of life in Her Son, which is not temporary but eternal.  Rather than paying attention to their Mother and Her Son, they add layers upon layers of complexities that in the end, the words that flow from their mouths are nearly as deceitful as the Serpent's in the Garden of Eden, leading the flock farther and farther away from Heaven and ever closer to Hell, thereby transforming the Catholic Church that is impervious to Satan's temptations to one that seems to encourage their proliferation insidiously.

The words etched upon the Catholic Church by the blood that was poured out of the suffering Christ is not subject to local interpretation within an ecclesiastical jurisdiction.  God speaks with one voice that is crystal clear that lasts through the ages, not to be contaminated by the prevailing mores of the time that are vulnerable to evil influences, be it indifference or in direct opposition to God's Truth.

If some of the words in the Bible may at times be subject to interpretation, allowing mistakes to occur, by inadvertence, by well-intentioned ignorance or by premeditated political expediency, the words spoken directly by the Mother of God and the Son of God to the visionaries are not.

It is the words that the Son of God and the Mother of God gave to the world through the visionaries, not just in San Nicolás and Kibeho, but elsewhere as well, that strip Catholicism down to its original nakedness,  just as Jesus was naked when He was born, Who by His birth gave Catholicism its first universal breath of air for the peoples of the world to inhale, so that their souls can be awakened to the possibility of eternal peace.

In a similar way that the tormented souls in Hell are oblivious to Heavenly peace, the joyous souls in Heaven are shielded from the Hell's sufferings.  Between Heaven and Hell is Earth where life is being lived, where one is able to experience both torment and peace, depending on the choices one makes.  It is during one's life that one has to choose between an eternity in Heaven or an eternity in Hell.

It is not by chance that people of different cultures speaking different languages all happen to be aware of death, leading them to conclude that life is temporary, even though many are in denial of the inevitable out of fear, not so much of death which is known but what happens afterward which is unknown.  It is also not by chance that the concept of eternity is familiar to all because every person comes from a Creator Who is eternal and has been given a soul that is eternal.  Eternity of soul is therefore real, as is transiency of life.  Acceptance of the former during life is optional but acceptance of the latter is forced upon the living since everybody dies, after which the acceptance of the former is no longer optional.

In this amorphous span of timelessness that is eternity that Christ and His Mother through their chosen visionaries have time and time again try to impress upon man, that eternity in Heaven is undeniably real, leaving the other eternal reality for man himself to deduce, which should be apparent.

If one does not comprehend Hell, let General William Tecumseh Sherman who said, "War is Hell," [2] bring enlightenment.  Even those who have never experienced the horrors of wars and their aftermath can imagine them, and those in the movie-making business can certainly bring such vividness to the screen, despite the skewed story lines in some of these movies.  People suffer the same during wars regardless of the side they may be on.  All are children of God.  One can be fairly sure that General Sherman was not the only one who thought that war was Hell, anyone who has survived the Rwandan Genocide would probably think likewise.

Yet, the lessons of prayer and conversion told to the visionaries in Kibeho, Rwanda, before the Rwandan Genocide, are still not being heeded, for wars are still being waged and war-mongers are still alive and well in their transitory and prideful lives sitting like royalties on their empty thrones wielding power of destruction without regard to human lives and suffering.  May they accept what they believe to be inevitable on earth as nonchalantly as they accept the inevitable eternity that awaits their souls.

Everyone, especially those who send others to die in wars in the comfort of their seats, ought to have a personal taste of Heaven and Hell.  The world has samples of each to try, then increase the intensity exponentially beyond imagination's limits and one should have a vague idea of what truly is an eternity in either Heaven or Hell.

With eternity just around the corner of every one's life, the length of which is not guaranteed, one ought to pay attention to the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Son which peel away the layers of authority of the Catholic Church, returning Catholicism to its infancy, a point that is its purest, undefiled by Sin and its variations.

Admittedly, the many messages delivered by visionaries to the world carry a sense of urgency, as if a fire from Heaven would consume one immediate future should one not act expediently in accord with what had been instructed.  On how quickly one should act is where peoples of the world do not see eye to eye with Jesus and His Mother.  Many think that the urgency built into Their messages has been greatly exaggerated to the point of nonsense since much time has passed and there is still no Apocalyptic event, but could they be wrong?  Yes, because the reference of time in Heaven is different from that on earth.

What Heaven sees always is eternity which is timeless.  What earthlings see is a defined lifetime and for them, in their short-sightedness, it seems as if life is an eternity for nobody who is in good health or not so good health expects to die in an Apocalyptic event tomorrow, and when tomorrow arrives, there is yet another, until there is no more tomorrow left which is when eternity begins.  Since nobody knows if any one day is without a tomorrow, following the words of Christ and His Mother should not be postponed, because it is not worthwhile to risk an eternity of suffering only because one has procrastinated in making the right choices starting immediately.  The Apocalyptic event for humanity is biblical but there is another apocalyptic event that is far more familiar, an unexpected death.  Seriously, who in the world expects to die in the next few moments other than those at gunpoint?  Is it therefore not reasonable to conclude that every death is a small, personal apocalyptic event, and it is this event that the urgency of prayer and conversion becomes ever so critical in light of what is to come, an eternity of suffering or an eternity of peace?

[2], paragraph 6, last sentence.

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