Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Holy Trinity - According To The Blessed Virgin Mary

The following is quoted from the book An Appeal From Mary In Argentina  by Father René Laurentin [1]:

"The message of San Nicolás completely refers us to the Trinity.  Since 1983, the Blessed Virgin invited Gladys to say this prayer:

     Blessed be the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  It is in the midst of the Holy Trinity that you will find Peace and eternal life.  (12/6/83, Pérez #30).

"During a fasting of three days, which makes her thoroughly receptive to the Holy Spirit, Our Lady tells her:

     It is not a penance.  It is the spiritual preparation which the Lord asks of you.  (Ibid.)

"The messages regarding the Trinity continue:

     I ask my children to love and to glorify the Most Holy Trinity.  Do not look for an answer to that which is forbidden to mankind.  The Most Holy Trinity remains the Secret of God.  Only He knows it and it only belongs to Him alone. Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  (6/13/87, #1198).

     I ask my children to believe in the Holy Trinity, to love the Most Holy Trinity.  Love the Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth; love the Son, Redeemer of mankind; love the Holy Spirit, Light of Hope.  The child cannot be strengthened if it is not through the Father.  He can save his soul only if the Son saves it.  He can renew his spirit only if the Spirit Himself renews him.  Glorify the Triune God.  May He be praised and blessed forever and ever.  (7/11/88, #1461).

"According to this recommendation, Gladys received the inspiration for a prayer, on December 6, 1988, the Feast of St. Nicholas:

     Glory to the Father:
     Father, I glorify You for everything that You have created.
     Glory to the Son Jesus Christ:
     To You be glory for Your sorrowful Passion, for abandonment to the Father, and for Your Resurrection.
     Glory to the Holy Spirit:
    Glory to You for the Light which You give to the world, for the love which You spread in the world.
    Blessed be You, one and Triune God, because of Your great mercy.  (12/6/88, #1568).

"On the same day, December 6th, the Blessed Virgin told Gladys:

     My heart of a mother claims the love my my children, toward the Most Blessed Trinity:
           God the Father:  Power and Love,
           God the Son:  Love thirsting for love,
           Holy Spirit:  Light and Love.
     The Holy Trinity perfectly shows the love of God for souls.  Most Holy Trinity, so often rejected and denied!  Walk under Its splendor which reflects so much love.  (12/6/88, #1569).

"On the Feast of the Holy Trinity, Mary, Its holy temple par excellence, invited her to meet this supreme love:

     I let all your brothers know that the Holy Trinity wants to come to all of the souls through the intermediary of my heart.  The perfect love of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit wants to purify us.  Respond to this proof of love, invisible but real; [let this be your response], visible and sincere--your conversion.  (5/21/89, #1658)."

[1] Laurentin, Father René.  An Appeal From Mary In Argentina.  Translated by Juan Gonzalez Jr., Ph.D. (Milford, Ohio: Faith Publishing Company, 1990), 101-2.

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