Friday, September 8, 2017

The Joyful Mysteries Of The Rosary

The following is quoted from the book An Appeal From Mary In Argentina  by Father René Laurentin [1]:

     "The Annunciation:  Never as on that day when the Angel Gabriel told me that I would be the Mother of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, have I experienced similar joy.  I did not understand, and still my faith, my great faith, permitted me to immediately say  Yes.
     My Visitation to Elizabeth  [ . . . ]:  She called me 'blessed among women,' and it is thus that they still call me, and that they will call me always, throughout Eternity.
     The Birth of Jesus:  After having spent long hours looking for shelter, we arrived with Joseph at this stable and there, during this very cold night, Jesus was born, very poorly, being kept warm by my warmth as a mother.
     Jesus is Presented in the Temple:  Joseph, my Child, and I went there.  Simeon was there.  He prophesied to me that the sword would pierce my heart.  (Lk. 2:35)
     After having thought that He was lost:  We find Jesus again.  We found Him again, preaching the Word of His Father among the Doctors of the Law.  At the age of 12 He was already the best and the most faithful of the preachers. My Son filled me with joy from the moment of His Annunciation, and He still fills me with joy by permitting me to be near Him today, in order to call souls to conversion.  (1/25/88, #1342)."  [Emphasis and italics  original.]

[1] Laurentin, Father René.  An Appeal From Mary In Argentina.  Translated by Juan Gonzalez Jr., Ph.D. (Milford, Ohio: Faith Publishing Company, 1990), 84-5.

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