Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Continuation (from June 4, 2016): A Marian Apparition In Argentina

On June 4, 2016, an entry entitled A Marian Apparition In Argentina  was posted on this blog.  Below are the first two paragraphs that will also serve as the introduction to this entry:

In San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina (approximately 238.3 kilometers northwest of Buenos Aires per Google), the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus appeared to a housewife named Gladys Herminia Quiroga de Motta ["Gladys"] from October 13, 1983, to February 11, 1990. [1]

The apparitions were declared official by Bishop Hector Cardelli on May 22, 2016. [2]

About a week ago, a book that was ordered online entitled An Appeal From Mary In Argentina  by Fr. René Laurentin [3] arrived in the mail.  Having just read Chapter 10, this blogger is eager to quote from it.  The words in italics  below are words of Jesus that Gladys received.  Altogether she received "68 messages from Jesus, 1983 through 1989." [4]  Not all 68 messages are in the book, and not all of those are quoted here, and those quoted below [5] are quoted without references to date and message number.  The selected quotes are the ones that this blogger finds especially astounding for one reason or another (within brackets are his thoughts when there are any).

Readers who wish to read all the messages Gladys received from the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus can go here:  (Perhaps future posts will quote from this source but that would have to wait since it will take time to read all the messages carefully and understand them.)  There are more than 1,800 messages in total.  This entry has only some.

He who listens to my words will find salvation.  He who puts them into practice will live forever. Those who hope in God do not hope in vain.
[Perhaps the difference between the first sentence and the second is that those who come within the first will find salvation through Purgatory (an interruption to life forever--this blogger doubts one would find one's time in Purgatory to be "a life" since not a moment spent there would be pleasant) and those who come within the second will skip Purgatory and continue with life without interruption.  Here, this blogger believes that whatever man hopes for in God are the same hopes that God has for man.]

Never deny God.  Draw nearer and listen to His call.  You will not regret it.

I speak to the poor, to the sick.  God does not forget anyone.

My heart is big.  It can receive every lamentation, every suffering.  I am not deaf.  I am not cold.  My love goes as far as those who love me.

God alone knows the way, and He will show the sure path.

God stops before each child according to his needs, and according to the love each feels for Him.
[Love is a two-way street.]

I know the actions of all men.  I see their constancy and I verify their weaknesses.  My answer depends on their actions.

If a people prays and respects my word, this people will live in peace.  I will protect them.

My heart is beating.  I am here like a child who is ready to be born while waiting for his delivery, in order to be able to expand in each human being.

If this generation does not listen to my mother, it will perish. I ask everyone to listen to her.  Man's conversion is necessary.  It is better to look up and to know what He Who is there says, rather than to move adrift.  Think about it.

Under the species of the Holy Eucharist, my Heart is introduced into all open hearts.  It nourishes them; it satisfies them.

My Heart takes all souls into consideration.  My Heart wishes the salvation of all souls and loves them, even those who are in sin.

People always suffer from the same illness: pride.  It is evil in the eyes of God and I want to correct your brothers.  That spreads to the whole world.  If souls lack love and faith, it is in vain that I try to reach them.  Holy souls need permanent assistance from God.  I will grant to holy souls consolation and mercy.
[This blogger cannot imagine what kind of help unholy souls such as his would need if "[h]oly souls need permanent assistance from God."]

I place the love of my mother with all people so that they may have recourse to her.  She is the help that will make Christians come out of darkness, in order to introduce them into the light.  Invoke her name with an intense love.
[Here is the answer to the comment above.]

Today I warn the world, for the world is not aware: souls are in danger.  Many are lost.  Few will find salvation unless they accept me as their Savior.  My mother must be accepted.  My mother must be heard in the totality of her messages.  The world must discover the richness which she brings to Christians.  The children of sin will grow up in sin if their unbelief increases.  I want a renewal of the spirit, a detachment from death, and an attachment to life.  I have chosen the heart of my mother, so that what I ask will be achieved.  Souls will come to me through the means of her Immaculate Heart.

Souls are in confusion, for evil wants to invade the earth, and darkness wants to destroy everything.  I will shed blessings on all those who direct their steps toward me.  May those who have founded their hope on the love of God and His justice be in joy.

What would I not do for humanity if humanity would consecrate itself to God and to prayer.

There is no room for me in all hearts.  Since this is so, I am going to expand the time.  Everything has not withered. There are green stalks whence new shoots will grow.
[Questions: does this mean that Jesus will wait until enough hearts belong to Him before the world ends?  Does this also mean that when the world ends, no new shoots will grow?  If that is true, does it mean that there is a finite number of hearts that Jesus is waiting for and beyond that number, Heaven will have no vacancy?  If there is a limit to the number of souls that can be in Heaven, is the limitation designed to avoid over-crowding?  On the other hand, is Jesus looking for a minimum number of hearts that would allow him to enter before He will come again to judge the living and the dead, and there is not a maximum number of souls that Heaven could accommodate?]

A cry comes from My Heart and is directed to mankind: do not be alone.  Look for God.  My hand is always extended.

He who loves the food which I give him must know that he is well nourished.  I am the food and drink of the soul, which thirsts for God.  In me, the soul will be satisfied, for I am the hope which becomes life.

My heart and my glance are turned toward the earth, and I say to you: you will need me.  I will save you.  I have had mercy on those who love me.
[No blanket divine mercy for all.]

My creatures should come to me, because it is only near me that they will live forever.  My mother will not permit them to go adrift.  She will conduct them directly to me.

So many souls do not know me.  I try to find again, so many souls.  If my voice meets with indifference, it is because of hardened hearts.  It is time to bury unbelief.  I am waiting for souls.  Let them not stop.
[Gladys did not ask: "How many more souls are you waiting for my Lord?"]

I feed my flock because it disturbs me very much.  My Heart is burning with love, but there are hearts which are completely extinguished.  They do not receive the love which I give to all souls.  My light wants to illuminate all nations, for it is the true light.  All those who receive it will be called true children of God.

May your eyes and your heart refer to your God.  I want it. Woe to the man who disobeys Me.  It is not worth anything to him.  And he will not find anything that will replace Me.  I call you my children, and I want you to be my children.

I do not remain at a distance from him who needs me.  I remain by his side.  Pray for yourselves and pray for your brothers.

I will reproach the attitude of him who invokes God, then separates himself from Him.  But I will have mercy on him who invokes me in all truth.
[No mercy for hypocrites?]

My heart is deep and all those who give themselves to me with trust will be able to enter it.

I, the heir of love of My Father, pour out this love in the world so that it may return to its point of departure: to my most Holy Father.
[What a beautiful image -- made with words without having to name those two in the Garden of Eden!]

[If there are mistakes typing out the Jesus' messages received by Gladys above, please pardon.]

[3] Laurentin, Father René.  An Appeal From Mary In Argentina.  Translated by Juan Gonzalez Jr., Ph.D.  Milford, Ohio: Faith Publishing Company, 1990.
[4] Laurentin, Father René.  An Appeal From Mary In Argentina.  Translated by Juan Gonzalez Jr., Ph.D. (Milford, Ohio: Faith Publishing Company, 1990), 42.
[5] Ibid., 42-48.

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