Thursday, August 14, 2014

Words Of Our Lady of Soufanieh and The Lord Jesus

Excerpted below are two of the many messages received by Myrna Nazzour from the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Lord Jesus:

Words of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Her Third Message delivered during Her Fourth Apparition at Soufanieh, Syria, on Monday February 21, 1983, at 9:30 p.m.:

I would like to request something from you, a word that you will engrave in your memory, that you shall always repeat:
God saves me, Jesus enlightens me, the Holy Spirit is my life, thus I fear nothing. [1]

Words of the Lord on Ascension Thursday, May 31, 1984:

Pray for God's will to be done in you, and say:
    Beloved Jesus,
    Grant that I rest in You above all things,
    above all creatures,
    above all Your angels,
    above all praise,
    above all rejoicing and exultation,
    above all glory and honour,
    above all heavenly hosts,
    For You alone are the Most High,
    You alone are the Almighty and Good above all things.
    May You come to me and relieve me,
    and release me from my chains,
    and grant me freedom,
    because without You my joy is not complete,
    without You my table is empty.
Only then will I come to say: Here I am, because you have invited Me. [2], [3]

[2] Ibid.
[3] It is interesting to note that none of the messages spoke of any covenant with any of the Jews in the Old Testament or the saving of Israel.  But Jesus did speak generally of unity, love and faith: "My children, You, yourselves, will teach the generations THE WORD of unity, love and faith.  I am with you."  Ibid.  That allows one to conclude that the Jews are no longer favored over the rest of humanity, that they are a part of humanity, so that they, too, along with all the Gentiles, will need to live out "THE WORD of unity, love and faith" to get to Heaven.

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