Monday, August 25, 2014

Is There Love In Hell?

Hell?  No.

One ends up in Hell because he has made his final rejection of God, Who is Love.  Accordingly, Hell has no God and no love.  It also does not have compassion and forgiveness, the precursors of love.

It does have justice, however--not the justice that landed the soul there in the first place, but the justice the soul continuously seeks because it believes it should not be in Hell, but the fact that it is, it believes that being in Hell must have been a result of unfairness.

The kind of justice a soul in Hell seeks to have never ends because it is never perfect.  It is merely an attempt at perfection, trying to make things whole again.  Each attempt that is made necessarily fails because justice cannot make things whole--only love can.  Love perfects justice; indeed, it replaces justice, making it obsolete.  Thus, in Heaven, where God's love is in abundance everywhere, justice is not part of the knowledge and consciousness of souls.  Its existence has simply been rendered unnecessary.

The absence of compassion and forgiveness in Hell allows justice to show its scales that never balances.  The atmosphere is full of blame and recrimination, similar to earthly vendettas that never ends.  The explosive situation in the Mideast is an example.  Bitter family fights are another.

The scales of justice cannot deliver a remedy that brings peace to the Mideast, to quarreling family members or to the souls in Hell.  Something is always missing, the perfect remedy always being elusive.  They think perfect justice is lacking, but they are wrong, for the justice they seek is never perfect because it has no compassion, and it has no forgiveness.

The souls that seek justice from the depths of Hell were very people who clamored for justice in life and who failed to have compassion for and show forgiveness of others, including their enemies.  These souls will never have the love of God.

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