Friday, August 29, 2014

God Loves A Broken Heart

A broken heart, for purposes of this entry, is not a clinical condition [1] but an emotional one.  When one loves another and that love is misunderstood, unrequited or no longer possible for any reason, such as death, the heart hurts.

The closer the relationship from which the love stems, the closest could very well be between parent and child, the more the pain when that love is missing, ignored, rejected, overlooked, under-appreciated or unappreciated, deemed superfluous or irrelevant, or is terminated.  When the one giving love is not giving up, the heart can feel like it is in pieces.  A broken heart is a heart God loves because it is broken out of love.

The heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary was broken when She saw Her Son suffer emotionally and physically before and during His crucifixion, and the heart of Jesus was broken when Judas betrayed Him, when Peter denied Him, when Thomas disbelieved in Him and when those whom He came to save rejected and crucified Him.

The sinful heart of man stands at a vast distance away from the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus in purity, but its brokenness is closely linked to Theirs by a commonality: the humanness of the organ that is vulnerable to being hurt.  It is that humanness that God loves.  When the heart is given freely to another out of unconditional love, man grows in the likeness of God, eventually returning to God when the scars of emotional pain from his broken and unfulfilled heart would be fully healed. [1]

[1] The thought that God's heart is broken because the children of the world are destroying each other, the earth and the Church seemed like a good idea at first but it is not (see contradicting paragraph below).  In Heaven, everything is perfect--nothing is broken.  God is whole and omniscient, forgiving and unconditionally loving.  Anyone who is like God, who knows the Truth and who forgives all trespasses and loves all, is immune to pain, an immunity that the Mother of God and the Son of God did not have while they were on earth.

Having made an assertion that God's heart is not broken because God is perfect and perfection is whole, I contradict myself and come full circle.  Perhaps brokenness is embodied within perfection and as such, God is perfect with a broken heart, broken because the children of the world are destroying each other, the earth and the Church.  


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