Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Face Of God

Nobody has seen the face of God.  This opens the door to imagination, a limitless space the Creator shares with all the created.

In this day and age, surveillance cameras are virtually everywhere.  Imagine that such a camera is a floating satellite, and that each person is assigned to one, and it records every moment of his or her existence until death.  Every image captured is in 3-D, having a resolution indistinguishable from life itself.  Over the course of any fractional picosecond, a very large number of such images can be available.  Needless to say, over the course of one's lifetime, an even larger number of such images can be examined [1].

From this storage of images one can find a facial image that is the most beautiful relative to the rest [2].  This is one image of one's face at one's best moment in one's entire lifetime.  Then imagine all the people that had existed, that now exists and will ever exist in the future, and from each life, only one beautiful facial image will be produced.

Imagine further that the one beautiful face from each individual are united to form a single face.  This face, I imagine, approximates the face of God. 

[1] Although the number of images captured in a lifetime is beyond my practical comprehension, it nonetheless is theoretically less than infinity because one's lifetime is a very short span relative to an eternity that does not have a beginning or an end.
[2] Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  Therefore, one has to leave the judging to God and that will include images that has been transformed by accident and by choice, by diet and nutrition or lack thereof, by medication, drugs and hormones.  The beauty of a face is the combination of the physical exterior and the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual interior, reflecting the totality of the being at any one moment.

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